Attention: agencies & podcast producers!

Growing & monetizing a podcast
shouldn’t have to be so expensive & complicated for you & your clients!

Growing & monetizing a podcast shouldn’t have to be so expensive & complicated for you & your clients!

What if you could create, promote, monetize & manage amazing podcasts for your clients from one affordable platform?
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As seen in:

As seen in

So your clients have (or want to have) a podcast …

That's smart! Podcasting is one of the best ways for your clients to get themselves out there and stay visible online so they can grow their audiences and reach. More audience and reach gives them a greater opportunity to make an impact, increase influence and generate income.

But there’s a PROBLEM.

It’s not 2004 anymore. Traditional audio-only podcasting will NOT generate the kind of results your clients want (and, if we’re being honest, need) to keep their businesses growing.
To get the kind of results they really want, they need show up in many of the places their audience hangs out online, day after day, including:
  • Video platforms like YouTube and TikTok
  • ​Social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • ​Search platforms like Google
  • ​Blog platforms like Medium

Growth and monetization requires more than just audio content. They need a next-level podcast!

A next-level podcast takes video podcast episodes and repurposes it into audio and video content, blogs, newsletters, emails, social media content, and more that make it possible to grow massive audiences to sell courses, products and services to. 

In order to have a next-level podcast, your clients end up spending a ton of time on podcasting tasks that require a bunch of expensive software subscriptions that don’t even work that well together.

Why Next-Level Podcasting?

What makes a next-level podcast the content format for growth and monetization? Next-level podcasts provide highly consumable, go-anywhere content that people binge on at home, in the car, at the gym – you name it!

Even more exciting is the fact that podcast listeners are PURCHASERS. According to Edison Podcast Metrics, 46 percent of U.S. Weekly podcast listeners have purchased a product or service as a result of hearing a podcast advertisement. 

 To cap it off, the podcast industry market size is set to nearly 6X its growth by 2030.

Helping your clients establish their next-level podcasts NOW will position them for maximum impact, growth and monetization over the next few years. 

Next-level podcasting is the KEY!

What if you could help your clients create, grow and monetize their podcasts faster and more easily while reducing software costs and time spent on podcasting tasks …

… while saving you time, money and headaches?

And what if it also created an additional 30% monthly recurring commission per client for you?
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Hi, my name is Nathan Gwilliam. In 2021, I had just sold my business and was looking for my next venture.

I knew that no matter what kind of business I built next, I was going to need an audience so I could grow and monetize it. I decided to take the advice one of my mentors, Russell Brunson, has for every business owner and entrepreneur.

“Publish or perish.”

He promised entrepreneurs that if they publish every day for a year, they’d be financially free.
I decided to trust him and I started my podcast. I believed podcasting was poised to be a massive game changer that would transform the business landscape for those who did it well.

I incorporated a blog, YouTube channel, newsletter and social media platforms with my podcast, and I published every day for a year.

After a few months, I realized that in order to do this right, I needed 30+ technologies that cost almost $2,000 per month!

The worst part was, most of these technologies didn't integrate well and were missing key functionalities I really needed.
Plus, even after all the content was created, I was paying someone 3-4 hours per day just to syndicate my content.

After a year of publishing every day, my podcast had generated more than 300,000 combined podcast downloads and video views …

… but it had totally kicked my butt!

I knew there HAD to be a better way to do podcasting without sacrificing functionality or having to invest so much time and money just to do it right. It was so frustrating I found myself complaining to a friend.

“Somebody should create an all-in-one software for podcast ventures!”

That’s when I realized I’d found my next venture.

Until now, you and your clients have been spending a TON of time on podcasting tasks and thousands on the software subscriptions needed to create, publish, promote, monetize and manage a next-level podcast.

For the past two-and-a-half years, I’ve put everything I have – including my entire life savings – into creating something that revolutionizes the way podcasting is done.

It also provides passive-income potential for agency owners. I’m going to tell you all about it …

But First, Are You …

  • Tired of watching your clients slave away like peasants trying to grow and monetize their podcasts? 
  • Sick of bending over backwards and duct-taping softwares together just to help clients have a barely functional podcast? 
  • Annoyed by the number of passwords and logins you have to juggle for you and your team members?
  • ​Appalled by how much clients have to spend on software subscriptions?
  • ​Frustrated by how slow growth and monetization has been for your clients?
  • ​Ready for a simpler, easier and faster way to create, publish, promote, monetize and manage a podcast?
  • ​Looking for a way to help your clients build credibility and authority, grow their audiences and expand their reach, experience greater business growth and monetization, make more of an impact and nurture connection and relationships with their target audiences?

Become Part of the Solution With a Software That Does MORE in ONE Platform Yet Costs LESS
(And Generates 30% Commission for YOU!)


The Podcasting Software With 35 Tools That Help Podcasters Do MORE Inside A Single Platform For One Low Monthly Fee

Many agencies are still relying on the same old softwares and systems that people have been using since the early 2000s for their clients’ podcasts. And we’re talking DOZENS of softwares that can add up to $20,000 per year! 
But guess what? That’s NOT what you have to do to help your clients grow and monetize their podcasts.

It’s time to leave Dark Age Podcasting behind and get to know PodUp!

 PodUp is the only single-software solution that makes it possible to create, edit, publish, promote, repurpose, syndicate, monetize and manage a podcast from ONE dashboard.

Operating out of a single dashboard means a streamlined, less complicated and less expensive experience for you and your clients.

Plus, when you sign up as a PodUp partner, you’ll get 30% recurring affiliate commission for each client who signs up!

You have already seen PodUp & want to become a referral partner? Click here to register now...

PodUp Can Replace...

Recording Studio


Riverside $192/yr

Project Management


Asana $360/yr

Website Builder

Site Builder

Wix  $480/yr

Blog Platform


Wordpress  $960/yr

Appointment Booking


Calendly $144/yr

Video Editor


WeVideo $192/yr

Video Hosting


Vimeo $84/yr

Live Streaming


Restream $490/yr



Libsyn $900/yr

Ticket Management

Customer Service

ZenDesk $1188/yr

Social Media Distribution


Libsym $480/yr

Podcast Transcripts

Transcriber $99/yr

Image Editor


Canva $52/yr

Soctal Media Management


SocialChamp $312/yr

SEO Optimization


YoastSEO $99/yr

Assessment Creator


ResponseSuit $828/yr

Ad Platform


Podbean $348/yr



Shopify $1200/yr

Learning Management


Teachable $300/yr

File Management


Google Drive $120/yr

PodUp’s 35 Tools Help Catapult Podcasts To The Next Level

Look At Everything You’ll Be Able To Do Inside PodUp!

CREATE Podcasts More Easily


Integrate with podcasting and social platforms, set up your domain name, add team members and permissions.


A step-by-step wizard designed to help even a non-technical person go in and launch a podcast site with less time and effort.

Site Builder

Create and edit pages, forms, and menus with templates and components designed specifically for podcast sites.


Migrate blogs, videos and audio files straight into the PodUp platform so you don’t have to do it manually. 

Migrate blogs, videos and audio files straight into the PodUp platform so you don’t have to do it manually. 

Guest Manager

Gather photos, collect bios and intake question answers, get content approved, capture signed media releases and more.


Schedule interviews, book appointments and create reminders and calendar invitations.

Schedule interviews, book appointments and create reminders and calendar invitations.


Capture high-quality, multi-track video recordings locally and reduce the risk of losing a recording due to background noise or slow internet.

Video & Audio Editor

Web-based editor enables you and your remote team to edit audio and video and add intros, outros, captions and ads to episodes.
Web-based editor enables you and your remote team to edit audio and video and add intros, outros, captions and ads to episodes.

Image Editor

 Create and edit thumbnails images and social media graphics optimized for multiple social platforms.

 Create and edit thumbnails images and social media graphics optimized for multiple social platforms.

PUBLISH to Many Platforms


publish a page when each new podcast episode is created.

publish a page when each new podcast episode is created.


Create, optimize, schedule and publish a page for each new video episode.

Create, optimize, schedule and publish a page for each new video episode.


Go live on your site while simultaneously streaming to your and your guests’ top social channels. 

Go live on your site while simultaneously streaming to your and your guests’ top social channels. 


Create SEO optimized blogs from audio or video episodes or transcripts, then schedule, publish and syndicate across platforms.


Syndicate content to more than 20 other social media, podcast and video platforms immediately or in the future.

Syndicate content to more than 20 other social media, podcast and video platforms immediately or in the future.


Showcase images and videos, including memes and customer reviews, on your site.

Showcase images and videos, including memes and customer reviews, on your site.


Automatically create transcripts of audio and video recordings, then use the powerful editor to make changes that are automatically applied to audio and video files.


Generate and store drafts of legal documents like privacy policies, terms and conditions, and disclaimers.

Generate and store drafts of legal documents like privacy policies, terms and conditions, and disclaimers.

GROW Your Audience & Reach


View and respond to comments and messages from a number of platforms through a single inbox, saving tons of time and effort!


Use a template or create your own and pull from content and images from inside other tools to quickly create and send newsletters to your subscribers.


Manage your email list and campaigns. Integrates with MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, Constant Contact and SendinBlue.


Make it easier for Google to send traffic your way. PodUp scores content, then helps optimize it with built-in suggestions based on SEO best practices.


Saves time by automatically updating your sitemap everytime you publish an episode.

Saves time by automatically updating your sitemap everytime you publish an episode.


Collect and display reviews from Google and your podcast site to improve your credibility and reputation with potential customers. 

Collect and display reviews from Google and your podcast site to improve your credibility and reputation with potential customers. 


Create customized surveys with personalized scores and assessments you can offer for free or a fee in exchange for their name, contact info and permission to market to them.

MONETIZE & Generate Recurring Revenue

Ads (Including Dynamic Ads)

Create and run static and dynamic audio, text, video and graphical ads that promote your products, services and sponsors.

Create and run static and dynamic audio, text, video and graphical ads that promote your products, services and sponsors.


Create an online storefront that sells your physical and digital products. Generate an additional revenue stream by allowing others to sell products in your shop while you keep a percentage of sales. 


Create, publish and sell challenges, masterclasses and other courses to your audience. Invite other experts in your niche to create courses in your platform and share the revenue.


Promote affiliate offers and generate income as an affiliate by selling other people’s products, services and content.

Promote affiliate offers and generate income as an affiliate by selling other people’s products, services and content.

Simple & Powerful MANAGEMENT


Monitor your metrics, analyze key performance indicators and dig deeper into more detailed analytics.

Monitor your metrics, analyze key performance indicators and dig deeper into more detailed analytics.


Prevent important tasks from slipping through the cracks with our built-in episode management system.

Prevent important tasks from slipping through the cracks with our built-in episode management system.


Delegate and save time by adding team members and setting up permission-based roles.

Delegate and save time by adding team members and setting up permission-based roles.

Customer Service

Ticket-based support system that helps improve customer satisfaction, increase speed, provide better data management, and prevent support requests from slipping through the cracks.


Create and publish the answers to your audience’s most frequently asked questions in one central location on your podcast site.


Save, organize and share audio, text, video, images and other files with your guests, users and team, either directly or via clickable links.


Keep your podcast data more secure and help prevent data loss from hackers or disgruntled employees by creating online and offline backups. 
PodUp is the Better Podcasting Solution

Help Clients Leave the Podcasting Dark Ages Behind (& Create a New Revenue Stream for YOU!) With PodUp Software

With the help of PodUp’s innovative software platform, podcasting can become quicker, easier, and less expensive. That by itself is enough to grab your attention, right?

The easier and less expensive podcasting becomes for your clients, the longer they’ll stick with it. The longer they stick with it, the more you’ll be able to achieve better and better results for them in terms of audience growth, reach, engagement and monetization.

That’s a win-win.

But we’re not done yet. When you become a PodUp Partner, you get a free agency account PLUS a 30% commission monthly for every client who signs up under you.

THAT’S a win-win-win!

So while you could do nothing and stick with the podcasting solutions you offer …

… watching your clients get more and more frustrated and burned out …

… don't you think PodUp is worth checking out?

You owe it to your clients and yourself to click the button below to see for yourself by watching a demo. Then schedule a consultation with one of our experts to learn more about becoming a PodUp Partner.

We’ll be happy to chat with you, give you a full walkthrough of the software and its tools and answer any questions you have.
You have already seen PodUp & want to become a referral partner? Click here to register now...

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the big difference between PodUp and current software solutions?

It's kind of tough to know where to start with that one. As difficult, expensive and complicated as podcasting is these days – with the patched-together software and hours upon hours of podcasting tasks most podcasters deal with every day – current solutions seem like less true solutions and more like stop-gaps.

PodUp is different. My high-level software development team and I have been hard at work on PodUp for the past two-and-a-half years. To date, there are 35 unique tools inside this single software program.

This makes PodUp the most revolutionary podcasting software that exists because you can do so much MORE inside a single platform – and we’re continuing to add and develop tools every day!

Bottom line, PodUp does MORE for podcasters and agency owners while costing less and taking less of you and your clients’ precious time.

Why not just stick with traditional audio podcasting? What’s the big deal about “next-level podcasting”?

When you think about the biggest, most successful podcasters, it’s not just audio content that comes to mind. For growth and monetization at the level your clients want, they need to be publishing content across multiple platforms with video, audio, social content, blogs and newsletters. A next-level podcast repurposes episode content in all those forms and syndicates it across platforms for wider reach and engagement.

What is a next-level podcast?

But next-level podcasting requires a lot of work. Many podcasters, likely including some of your clients, give up trying to fully leverage their content because it’s complicated, time-consuming and expensive.

They’re giving up too soon. There’s SO much potential for growth and monetization with a next-level podcast.

- Selling courses, products and services.
- Doing joint ventures.
- Promoting other people’s affiliate offers.
- And so much more!

The good news is with PodUp, you can help your clients do all of the above, achieving next-level podcast growth and monetization results in less time at a low monthly fee.

What if my clients don’t want to spend even more money on another podcasting software?

Perfect! With everything you can accomplish with PodUp’s 35 tools, they won’t have to. In fact, they’ll be able to cancel a number of subscriptions and end up SAVING money on software.

How is this different than other podcasting softwares? Don’t they do pretty much the same thing?

Although other podcasting softwares can help agency owners and their clients do a few of the same podcasting tasks, there’s no other software out there that contains as many tools as PodUp all in one platform. In fact, no other software is even close to PodUp’s ability to help people create, edit, publish, repurpose, syndicate, grow, monetize and manage a podcast. And that’s just SOME of the things PodUp can help you do for your clients!

How much is the affiliate commission for PodUp? Is there a limit to the number of clients I can earn commission from?

PodUp Partners earn a 30% commission every month from their PodUp-using clients. There is no cap to the number of clients you can earn commissions on.

How much time will it take for me to get all of this set up for each client? Will I be able to figure it out?

PodUp’s Setup wizard provides a step-by-step guide to setting up your client’s podcasts. It’s designed so even those who are less than tech savvy can get a podcast setup to launch in as little as 24 hours. As a PodUp Partner, you’ll also have access to our expert support team.

What about my clients’ current episodes and content? What happens to that?

PodUp’s Migrator tool helps you move audio and video files and blogs automatically into PodUp. You won’t have to do it manually, and your clients won’t lose any of their content.

What does PodUp integrate with?

PodUp integrates with all the following softwares and programs, with more being added all the time! See a list of all our integrations here:

As a PodUp Partner, can my agency team have access too? How many team members can I add?

PodUp Partners can add an unlimited number of team members to help them with their clients’ podcast tasks.

What if we have tech problems or need help? Is there somebody we can talk to? 

Absolutely! You’ll have access to our tech support experts via phone, email or chat support.
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